Thane corporation
Their prpduct is made so cheaply-I asked for a replacement part but there is no address to complain to - they go by Reliant, Thane. Orbitrek. Ripoff internet

Electronics and household app.

The thunderstick is a cheaply made product. I need a replacement part and was told by customer service I had to purchase the product over again.

My main problem is contactiing who is responsible. This product is made by Reliant Interactive Media Corp, but they tell me to contact Thane Corp, who tells me to contact Orbitrek. No address or phone numbers-only web addresses where I get an automated response.

Honolulu, Hawaii

Company: Thane corporation
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


Thane International
And Credit Card Fraud

Thane International
Thane Internationa Thane's Customer Service reps repeatedly lie, replacement parts are NOT available

Thane Orbitrek
Orbitrek by thane-faulty equipment and horrific customer service!

Reliant Interactive Media Corporation / AS SEEN ON TV
Reliant Interactive Media Corporation AS SEEN ON TV Credit Card Fraud

Thane USA
No product, No refund, No customer service

Thane International
Equipment Company Thane, Int'l Passes CRC Information Without Consumer Consent
Thane USA, Thane International, Ab Doer Twist Thane overcharged by $200 and refuses to correct mistake!
Thane refuses to refund unauthorized overcharge of $200

Thane Direct Canada
Defective part
Thane refuses to refund unauthorized overcharge of $200!