Don't believe in free trial! They charged me after I returned their device which I returned before the trial period was over and they didn't reimburse the full amount. Free trial my

Electronics and household app.

I had a Vonage device for a trial period and I sent it back before the trial period was over. Vonage charged me after I sent the motorola device back and they confirmed by email that they received it.

Don't believe in free trial periods! They wanted to charge me a disconnection fee of $39.99 and I didn't have it past the trial period.

A rep named Justin told me it takes up to 10 days to be reimbursed. He told me this on the 6th of December and it took until January 5th to get reimbursed. It took a month plus several phone calls and I still didn't get the correct amount.

I talked to the supervisor (Valerie) and she told me that they were going to send me back the full amount charged and when I called again to say that I still didn't get reimbursed another rep told me that I was getting only $95.34 and I not the $159.28 that I was supposed to get back.

I can't believe how such a Good company can rip someone off like this. It caused bank overdrafts also. Big expensive mistake!

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Lakewood
Address: 1408 Cochise Trail
Phone: 8662434357
  <     >  


Ripoff uses their "free trial" period to hook and charge additional fees

Fraud charges!

Vonage Phone Company
Scam and cheating

Misrepresents extensions of "free trial" that are not risk free, then charge fees to cancel

Vonage Phone Company
Beware of Vonage

Company Of Scammers New Jersey Holmdel

Learn from "Free Trial" it's nothing but a way to charge your card. Harrisonburg

Ripoff misleading quotes fraudulent terms and conditions

Ripoff, did not disclose, cancelations

Whitening Fast
Ivory White False advertisement of free trial period