Showing I owed $0.00 9 days ago, now I owe $307.00! Unknown

Electronics and household app.

Account Number: xxxxxxxx Account Name: JOSEPH S*
888 Service Address: 1574 E 2400 NORTH RD
xxxxxxx, xx, xxxxx Phone Number: (815) xxx-xxxx E-mail Address: xxx Statement Date: 12/09/06 Current Account Balance: $307.00 Past Due Amount: $233.54 Total Due: $307.00 Recurring Payment: Not Enabled Recent Transactions View your Last StatementDate Access Card Description Amount Tax
12/19 xxxxxxxx9808 TOTAL CHOICE PLUS - Charge $34.99 $0.00
12/19 xxxxxxxx9808 Minimum Service - Charge $3.50 $0.00
12/19 xxxxxxxx9808 TOTAL CHOICE PLUS - LVL1 Disc Adj $-34.99 $0.00
12/10 xxxxxxxx - Monthly Bill $0.00 $0.00

"O" due on the 10th? $307 due on the 19th! No pay-per-views period!

Country: USA
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Juniper Bank
Late Pay Charge bill rec'd after due date

Double charging crooks
Ignoring and/or not allowing any contact. Pre-paid order came incomplete, with cheaper shipper. I either want the stuff or a refund

AKA A&A Marketing Inc. Dishonest Account Errors

VistaPrint USA
VistaPrint - AP9

Cleartel Communications
Ripoff, deceive, cheat, lie, disresectful, crooked, dishonest, fraud, mislead, crooked, crooks, extort

Selma Naman / Selma Gurson
Selma Naman/Selma Gursen: Most Recent Criminal Charge: BURGLARY, LLC
SCAM - I SENT CDs - It's Been 60 Days & No Money

Ripoff I sent money to them in three payment total $275.81, which should have gone to AT&T in Sacramento CA 95887 They only refunded me $135.02

Think All Publishing
Bait and switch - fraudulent billing don't