
Electronics and household app.

I see that those bastards got you. Today this guy approaches my brother and I at my house and says that same bullshit story about his boss. The funny thing is we live in the HOOD (sort of ghetto area) so we know when someone is trying to hustle you. We kept telling the guy "why dont you just drop it off at home and tell your boss that you were in traffic and thats why you were late?" He didnt really have anything to say... He was stuck! And then we told him... What F* name brand is that! Thats some cheap ass sh*! I never heard of that brand before. So I told him to come back with some name brand sh* and if he needed to get rid of it that bad just give it to us. The thing is if something is to good to be true... It means that ITS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! Mikesacramento, California


Company: Audiofile
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 2900 Florin Rd
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Audiofile Speakers
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Speaker Ripoff in the parking lot