Audiofile Speakers
Ripoff artists spotted

Electronics and household app.

Just encountered the same ripoff artists that I've been reading about on this site. Two white males in a Green Ford Explorer flagged me down while I was heading south on Southside Blvd in Jacksonville, FL. The driver looked to be in his early 30's and the passenger his 20's We pulled into the parking lot next to Sound Advice and the driver gets out and asks me if I want to buy some speakers. He said he was given eight to install instead of 4 and that his boss was going to be at the delivery site.

He would have to give them back if his boss saw them so him and his buddy were trying to sell them for "whatever" they could get before they got there. He showed me the laminated sheet with the $1499 retail price. The speakers were in boxes and sealed. He also had a home theater kit with a subwoofer and 5 satilite speaker cubes. My first instinct told me this was too good to be true. I was also suspicious of the fact that this guy conveniently had the laminated sheets with prices right there with him.

If this was an "accident" why would he have those sheets? I'm not the "audio gearhead" that I used to be but I have never in my life heard of a high-end brand of speaker named AUDIOFILE. I told the guy that I would probably regret it but no thanks. He was persistent and kept asking me to make him an offer and "how much would I be willing to give him". The more he did this the better I began to feel that the whole thing was a scam. I didn't buy the speakers and immediately rushed home to look them up online to see what a "good deal" I passed up. This site was the first thing that came up. I've been burned by scams in the past. I'm happy I followed my first instinct and didn't get burned this time.

Jacksonville, Florida

Company: Audiofile Speakers
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: Southside Blvd Near Avenues Mall
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583LR Speakers ripoff

Ripoff, Audiofile, frank, van, white, dishonest, scam, speakers, SUV, home theatre

583LR Ripoff scam for AudioFile 583LR home theater speakers

Home Theater ripoff van scam speakers audiofile

Audiofile Speakers

Audiofile Home Theater / Dogg Speakers
Audiofile Home Theater looks just like the Dogg Digital speaker scam

Aaron McFadin

Audiofile Speakers
Rip-off Fancy looking $20 dollar massed produced particle board cabinet not used for audio Lowest end & used internal parts they can find ($20 tops)

Speaker Scam Duo two young males SUV Bank parking lot SCAM Ripoff

Audiofile 583LR
Audiofile fraudulent ripoff business Nationwide