Wireless Rebate Processing Center
Rebate ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I concur with other reports on this company. They are doing everything they can to delay payments and disqualify applicants. After waiting 6 months from time of purchase before you can file the rebate, then they say they are having an audit and have to reload all information, there will be a delay. Now they are asking for the justification again, little bits at a time. I went up on their site to check my status, and there are letters of denial scheduled to be mailed two weeks in advance for lack of documentation, which was all included in the original submission. Verizon is just as much to blame for this, since they contracted out to this company for Customer Support with rebates.

Company: Wireless Rebate Processing Center
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: White Bear Lake
Address: PO Box 100517
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Wireless Rebate Processing Center
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