Sprint - Nextel
Ripoff, incorrect information, different balances, horrible and rude customer service

Electronics and household app.

In the 3 months myself and wife and mother and grandmother have been subscribers to Sprint, we have had nothing but trouble with their horrible customer service reps.

In the end after all this trouble and myself having to do all the correcting, sprint was "nice" enough to give me a whole whopping $10 credit for my problems. Wow, I'm sure glad they could afford that...

I previously posted a copy of my first letter of complaint i sent to Sprint, one month after becoming a subscriber. Now here is a copy of my second letter, sent two months after becoming a member.

April 5

To Whom It May Concern:

As a new Sprint customer of just over one and a half months, I cannot begin to express my complete disappointment with your service. I have received nothing but the runaround from each and every customer service representative and received different responses to the same questions regarding roaming, what is included in my Fair and Flexible Family Plan, and account balances to name just a few.

I have already written one letter expressing my anger and received a? Whole? $10.00 credit for my time, while this is a fine start, it seems to me that all the hassle and frustration I've been put through should be worth a great deal more than $10.00.

The latest outrage comes from a call I received at 4:03 PM Tuesday, April 04 from an Abby at customer service regarding my original letter dated March 13. Abby's great comment was she was doing me a favor by adding for FREE unlimited mobile to mobile and 7 PM nights and weekends to the secondary phone of 989-400-8938 because of all my troubles. Despite me trying to explain to Abby that this was ALREADY INCLUDED IN MY PLAN, she said M2M and NW were not part of the secondary phone's original plan.

Well again I knew this was incorrect and so I stopped by my local Radio Shack in Mt. Pleasant, MI to verify my suspicions and guess what I was the right one, not Sprint Customer Service. According to records obtained by Radio Shack on my bill, Unlimited M2M and 7 PM nights and weekends was a part of both phone lines of the primary at 989-621-3323 and the secondary of 989-400-8938. Again, different information from your representatives than what is in fact true.

I am giving Sprint another month or maybe two maximum to rectify these problems or I am going to be forced to switch to a different provider, possibly back to my old company of Nextel. It seems funny to me that Sprint and Nextel can be merged now but I never had any problems or issues when I was a Nextel customer, but as soon as I made the switch on February 11 to Sprint all these problems began.

Unless I am somehow reimbursed financially for all these troubles and the problems caused by Sprint are solved, I am going to be forced to take further legal actions with the Better Business Bureau and as a journalist with my local newspaper will have to seek whatever avenues possible to get this straightened out.

Company: Sprint - Nextel
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 660750
Phone: 8004774681
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