Sprint - Nextel
Ripoff, incorrect information, different balances, horrible and rude customer service

Electronics and household app.

Myself and my wife signed up for Sprint's family plan on our own account on Feb. 12 along with my mother and grandmother who signed up for their family plan account on the same day and at the same store in Mt. Pleasant Michigan.

From day 1 it is been nothing but trouble in regards to the Customer Service dept. We received numerous different answers to the same questions in regards to what was charged on our bills, our balances, and coverages. I the 2 months of being a member both myself and mother have called Sprint customer service at least 1 a week and gotten nowhere.

Here is a copy of my first letter to them, not to mention another one followed 3 weeks later. As you can see the first letter came 1 month after our contract began.

March 13

To Whom It May Concern:

As a new Sprint customer, I am extremely disappointed with the Customer Service I have received to this point and am writing to express my sincere displeasure. If the service does not change, I may be forced to take my existing contract to another wireless company. I am sure I could also convince my mother and several friends and family members to do the same.

On February 12 I had my wireless contract with Nextel Communications transferred to Sprint so that my wife and myself could join Sprint's Fair and Flexible Family Plan and cut down on our bills by utilizing Sprint's free mobile-to-mobile and cheaper plans.

In making this switch I also convinced my mother, who temporarily resides in West Virginia, but does a lot of driving between West Virginia and Mt. Pleasant, MI, to leave a competitor's wireless plan and join Sprint. She also joined Sprint on February 12, signing up herself for the Family Plan, which she would be sharing minutes on with her mother.

From the moment we joined Sprint there has been nothing but trouble with the Customer Service department.
It all began when I found out that none of the calls I was making were registering as Mobile-to-Mobile or as Nights and Weekends, something of which is included in my plan. When I called Sprint Customer Service to check on this I was told that this is not a common mistake and something that cannot be corrected until you receive your bill.

Well as a result of this Sprint Error, I had no way of seeing how many actual minutes I had used during the billing cycle and therefore could not determine how many minutes I had left to use without going over my allotted minutes. Again, this forced me to go over my given minutes, to no fault of mine, but again a Sprint Error. It is my thought that Sprint should cover this error and is not something I should have to pay for. Any other customer could call Sprint or check online during their billing cycle and see how many minutes they have left before going over. I could not do this because of Sprint's error.

This error in minutes made by Sprint also resulted in Sprint suspending my service on March 13 for a limited time, until I had to call Customer Service again. The service was suspended because I have a $200 limit on my account, but because all my calls showed up as anytime minutes, and none as Mobile-to-Mobile or Nights and Weekends my charges were outrageous at $265.63. When in reality after I do all the work and find out what calls were supposed to be FREE, the amount would be lowered and well within my spending limit. Again I DO NOT think I should have to pay for this and believe Sprint should at the very least cover all my overage charges this month because of the troubles they've put me through.

The next Sprint Error came when I called and specifically asked if Roaming was included in my plan and if I could make free calls during my Nights and Weekends time. The exact answer was YES, Roaming is included in your plan and any calls you make during Nights and Weekends is free. Well to that end, I made several calls that said Roaming and also received several calls because it was my understanding they were free. I also had my grandmother (my mother's mom) make several Roaming calls as well because we were told they were free.

Then after talking to my Sprint representatives from my local Radio Shack I find out Roaming is not included and in fact I would be charged for these calls. So I called Sprint Customer Service back and this time another representative told me Roaming was not included, contrary to what the original representative had told me. I do not expect to be charged for these Roaming calls and also do not expect my mother or grandmother to be charged either as they were going by information I had told them the Sprint representative informed me of wrong information we now know.

It only gets worse from here as I called again to speak to Sprint Customer Service and asked how much it would cost extra to move my Nights and Weekends from 9 PM to 7 PM, and I was told from a Sprint Customer Service representative that it was $5/month Extra. Following up with customer service at a later date, I was told by someone else it was $7/month extra. Again, totally different answers to the same questions.

In another instance when I first went to sign-up for Sprint, I called from my local Radio Shack office in Mt. Pleasant, MI to verify that my Nextel Communications contract would not be charged a termination fee for the transfer. The representative told me there would be no charge, since Sprint and Nextel Communications had merged. Well, again there was a mistake made because the week of March 6 I received a bill from Nextel Communications showing a $200 termination fee. This problem was resolved after I had to make 3 calls to customer service and get the fee removed. But, again it's a mistake that should not have been made and one I had to resolve. More hassle.

These same problems of different answers to the same questions from the Sprint Customer Service representatives was encountered by my mother, who as I stated earlier, also joined Sprint with her own contract at the same time as myself.

My mother's first problem came when she was informed that it was only $5/month extra to change Nights and Weekends to 7 PM, when in fact it is $7/month extra. She also was told originally she did not have free Mobile-to-Mobile minutes, when in fact that is the main reason she joined Sprint. The final mistake made from Sprint Customer Service to my mother was when she called to inquire about Roaming charges and was first told Roaming was included in her package, and then through a different representative was told she had a Roaming package that would pay for half her Roaming minutes. The example the Customer Service representative gave her was that if she used 800 roaming minutes, she'd be charged for 400 minutes. Then finally my mother was told that she did not have Roaming, but could add a package for $10/month.

Completely getting the runaround on every issue we have, myself and my wife, who are sharing one Family Plan, and my mother and grandmother, who have their own separate Family Plan, are seriously giving thought to changing wireless service providers. We have received nothing but misinformation at every turn and I have been told that it is my responsibility to correct these mistakes made by Sprint! I do not want to have to pay for any of these mistakes Sprint made and believe we should both be compensated in some way for the problems we have encountered.

Company: Sprint - Nextel
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 660750
Phone: 8004774681
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