Dishonest business practices, ripoff clients

Electronics and household app.

In January two years ago I obtained a cell phone with Sprint. At that time I signed a two year (24 month) contract for service. During the two years of the contract I always made timely payments and was never late.in January of this year I contacted Sprint to notify them that I did not intend to continue my service with Sprint at the conclusion of the contract (they claim I never made this call in January). At that time I was told that the service would not be turned off until February 12th. When I explained I did not want to continue the service for an additional month I was told that I had no choice in the matter because the way the billing was done, I was paying ahead and had in fact already paid for that time. I was further told that it was company policy not to give any refunds therefore 1.) I could use the phone until February 12th to use up what I had already paid for, or 2.) They would be glad to turn it off now and I would lose a months service that I had paid for! Since I had already paid for the upcoming month, what choice did I have? Either use what I had paid for or lose my money.

Therefore I used the phone until it was turned off on February 12th.in March I received a bill for $48.00 for that month, but I had already turned off the phone. I assumed (unfortunately) that it was a computer error kicking out a bill erroneously.in April I received another bill, this time for $53.09 for the period March 13 to April 12. I knew this couldn't be right so I called Sprint on 04/19. The young woman I spoke to was nice and polite but I was told that I was being charged for using my phone during the January - February time frame. WHAT! How can I have paid ahead and then still be billed for using the phone during that period. Let me note that my cell phone use is minimal and I rarely used the alloted minutes anytime during the contract.

I explained the situation to the young lady and was told that from their standpoint I was delinquent in my payment and that they would employ a collection agency to collect this amount. If this is not fraud, then what is?

I don't mind telling you that this smacks of fraud and is certainly unethical. I will probably end up having to pay this amount because it is cheaper to pay than to fight it legally, but it makes me see red! They know the average consumer can't or won't fight it and they take advantage in order to affect their bottom line.

By the way, I also had SPRINT as a long distance carrier. But no more, they have lost my business and my good will over this matter. I can assure you that I will become a nightmare in negative advertising for this firm.

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: London
Address: PO Box 8077
Phone: 8882114727
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