Legacy Ld
Rip-Off on 2 local collect calls I received

Electronics and household app.

I received 2 collect calls from a telephone located approximately 4 miles from my home. I was billed $20.00 for a 5 minute call and $24.40 for a nine minute call. After surcharges, etc. Were added 2 calls total $48.18

This telephone is located near the school my young nephew attends. He calls if he is in need of a ride or there is an emergency. The telephone cuts in and out so much most of the time is spent saying, "Are you still there? Can you hear me? I can just barely hear part of what you are saying!"

Not only does this company overcharge (rip-off) they also fail to keep telephones in proper working condition which is more of a concern in emergency situations than the exorbitant rates.

It should be illegal to charge so much. Why don't they list the rates on the telephone? If this is not a RIP-OFF I'd like to know what is!

Company: Legacy Ld
Country: USA
State: California
City: Cypress
Address: 10833 Valley View Street
Phone: 8005534218
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Southern California Telephone Company
Promised lower rates but rates nearly doubled

Outrageous Collect Call Rates, Ripoff

Legacy OSP

Legacy Long Distance And Zpdi On Behalf Of Legacy
Ripped off by unaccepted collect calls from legacy billed to my cox acct

Legacy Long Distance
International Outrageous, illegal telephone charges & Lies to the Federal Communications Commission

Legacy Ld Intl Inc
Charged me $30.00 for ONE five minute call (inc. Taxes, surcharges, etc.)


Legacy Collect Calls
Company withdrew more than they should've

Legacy Collect Calls
Consumer Report

Ripoff was billed 30.05 for an 8-minute collect phone call from adjoining state