Nextel Communications
Ripoff incorrect billing, defective products, rude service, and more

Electronics and household app.

I too had big problems with nextel.

They were supposed to send me my phone via mail. They double ordered it, then sent to the wrong address. Total confusion before I got my phone.

The phone was supposed to have my number ported, this took more than a month, I missed 1/2 my calls and they were ringing into an empty apartment, where a new resident cuold techincally run up a large bill,

After a few weeks, the phone broke. I had to take off work and drive 1/2 hour to get it fixed.

And I was supposed to get discount. They billed me for both phone and never gave me the discount. And they expect you to pay their mistakes upfront - or turn the phone off.

After four months of problems fighting these people for HOURS on the phone, three way phone calls, the whole nine yards, I finally just told them to cancel the account.

The next day I got a phone call from a customer service rep that told me the finally corrected my billing and would I like to re-open my account. I told them thanks, but hell no - not when I have fought this hard, and you wait until I leave to fix stuff. The rep verbally threatened me and told me if I didn't sign back up, they would charge me the cancelation fee of $150.00. I said go ahead, you wont get your money.

I filed about 4 complaints with the FCC including one that I sent certified to the chairman of the FCC. That put me on Nextel's sh* list - so they kept after me for that piddly $150 until I got an attorney. After my attorny talked to the collections agency he advised me to just settle the thing, because they had been given strict instructions not to settle with me becuase i was a "pain."

I'd LOVE to see a class action law suit on these people.

Oh, and I did finally settle at 1/2 and they were supposed to take the report off my credit report (this was done in agreement with my attorney) and to date, they have never done so.

If they had followed through on their committments, I would not have canceled, and in my opinion, even IF i was supposed to pay that $150 for an early cancelation, after ALL the WELL DOCUMENTED problems I had, the LEAST they could do was waive it, politey and apologize, instead of having a customer service rep threaten me.

They totally suck.

I like sprint, but now that they have merged?

TRY VERIZON - that's where I will be.

Company: Nextel Communications
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Reston
Address: 2001 Edmund Halley Drive
Phone: 7034334000
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