Circuit City
Ripoff, lie, rude, passed the buck, dont care

Electronics and household app.

Sweet and short. My tv color is off, a service man comes out fixes the color but the tv will not stay on.

A new claim is put in and three weeks go by, i call to confirm they say no one put the claim in sorry we will send some one in three days, they come take the tv "it will be ready in 3 or 4 days 6 weeks later no phone calls and angry circuit city people saying call them youre self directly i get my tv back with a scratchted screen.

I call circuit city they say we dont cover phisical damage. I say it wasnt that way before it was done at the service center. I get put on hold they come back saying they say they didnt do it. After a little back and forth they say sue the third party company we contracted.

One more thing the picture is still off and ciruit city is sending out the same third party company to fix it

The store was nice they offered a loaner about 12" smaller than my tv but they show a willing ness to help. Did you know they can get fired for not selling this crappy (let us screw up youre % even more than it is, we dont half to tell you how long it will take, the contract only states we will fix it not how long it will take.) excuse for service.

Company: Circuit City
Country: USA
State: California
City: India
Address: City Advantage Plan
Phone: 8886158156
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