Norcent Technology - Best Buy
Ripoff! 3 months and I am STILL waiting for 4 rebates. Norcent says to wait several MORE weeks!

Electronics and household app.

I purchased 4 Norcent DVD Players from Best Buy in North Little Rock, Arkansas on 11/26. The rebates were mailed in to both Best Buy and Norcent on 12/10.

To date I have received $10 (out of $40 due) from Best Buy and $0.00 from Norcent (out of $40 due).

Both companies assured me that I would receive ALL of the rebates ($80.00 total) as long as they were mailed by the recipients (Christmas Gifts) from different addresses.

ALL of the terms of the rebates were very carefully followed yet it seems that it will take several more months (if ever) before the rebates will be paid.

As of today Norcent claims to not be able to find 3 of the 4 rebates I mailed to them. The person on the phone said they are still so far behind that they probably have them but have not been able to process them yet.

Best Buy has so far rejected 3 out of the 4 rebates even though they had assured me (both at time of purchase and again before I cut the UPC codes off of the boxes) that they would honor all 4 rebates.

I have made multiple phone calls to both Best Buy and to Norcent with absolutely no success in getting them to live up to their newspaper ad promoting the Norcent DVD Players.

I would definately NOT recommend buying ANYTHING from either Best Buy or Norcent that involves a rebate.

It is now almost impossible to get to a live person on the Best Buy rebate phone line. All you can get is a menu that does NOT give you an option to speak to a live person.

I will add that at Christmas I bought a Dynex DVD Writer from It turned out to be defective and when I took it to the Best Buy store where I had picked it up (about 2 weeks after I bought it) I was told that since it was "free with purchase of 100 DVD's" they would NOT replace it; they would NOT send it to be repaired they WOULD NOT give me any kind of refund or exchange. They said since it was "free" it had NO VALUE and all they would do for me would be to put it in the trash for me.

They further stated that the Best Buy store had nothing to do with (they said they were different companies) and that they were not responsible for sales made through EVEN if they delivered the merchandise!!!

Eventually DID issue a credit for the defective DVD Writer.

Company: Norcent Technology - Best Buy
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Dimas
Address: 550 Cliffside Dr
Phone: 9093058885
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