Dishonest and fraudulent practices, lying and mental abuse from "customer service" representatives

Electronics and household app.

After an entire year of mis-billing and errors on my contractural agreements with sprint, having my phone repeatedly disconnected without warning or for any apparent reason that I could discover, and spending over 30 hours of phone conversations attempting to have erroneous charges removed, my contractural agreement corrected to what I had actually purchased and understand why my phone was repeatedly disconnected when calls to check on the status of my bill never indicated that I was near my limit. Also, I live in rural area with no other means of communication and could no longer afford to have our lives and safety put in danger by this inept phone company with the most poorly trained, rude and corrupt "representatives" that I, personally have ever encountered.

I have discontinued use of my Sprint service and signed on with a different company. Sprint is charging me $150 for not continuing their "service" (?) another 17 months and charging me for services I never had including the past month after I had already switched to a new company... Totalling about $287.00, since I refused to be held prisoner and tortured any longer. I have paid to them over $300 in the last month of usage and still have not seen a complet and accurate bill. I refuse to pay them more... & they now will report to credit reporting companies me and try to do as much damage to my name and credit rating as possible.

This company, through several of its representatives has lied to me, taunted me, cheated me and made unauthorized use of banking information by charging accounts after being asked not to and offered other forms of payment. I was told by one of their representatives, on December 31st at 11:00 pm, after asking me for my credit card number, complete ss # and mother's maiden name, and my refusal and comment that I had never been asked for more that the last four digits of my ss#, that "over 10,000 Sprint employees had access to all of my personal information -including credit cards, bank info, social security # and other "secret" identity information". This breach of security, privacy and tremendous inaccuracy and theft - under a contractural agreement is treacherous. Please help me, I have been tortured enough.

On February 1, two weeks after switching my number to a different comapny, I went into the local Sprint store to discuss and try, once again to solve the problems. The store Manager listened to my 30 minute explanation and told me he could give me a $60. Credit, but the company would still charge me the $150 - and they would never credit it. Even if I came back to the company, etc. And there was nothing he could do, even though they knew that they had made an unathorized payment from my checking account that would end up costing me a $35 fee, etc.! They don't make sense - The thought of dealing with them any further brought me such anguish that I had to leave.

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: London
Phone: 8882114727
Site: sprintpcs.com
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Sprint Pcs
Don't use!

Sprint can't help (stop using sprint)

Sprint CSW
Unauthorized charges

Huge scam artists carsponsors.com and carsponsorships.com

I was promised NO termination fee and got one anyway!

McCollisters Transportation Group
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Sprint Mobile
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Sprint does not keep records of