Wordsmart educational technology
I received a call about a Sat prep five disc program which I paid $190 for. I was asked if I would be interested in any further products from them and I said maybe but this would be enough to get sta

Education & Science

Was solicited by phone and purchased a Wordsmart SAT prep five disk set. I was asked at the end if I would be interested in any other products and I said maybe but I would just get this for now. I was never told more disks
Were coming.
I understood I could return the first set within thirty days I did not cancel it because I was going to keep it.
How could I cancel something else I did not know about? They claim I agreed to all of this. The initial sales
Person tricked me. I Thought I heard him say something about sending something else coming and he changed
It back to the set I was buying and canceling it within 30 days. He said nothing about another level or future
Billings. I would never agree to that with anyone!

Company: Wordsmart educational technology
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 10025 Mesa Rim Road
Phone: 8585658068
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Consumer Report

Will not allow returns - awful customer service


AT&T And Their U-Verse Product
Deceptive door-to-door sales tactics, Bait and switch (while you are standing there), Ignores NO SOLITICING SIGN, Impossible to cancel, RUDE

SCAM-Unauthorized Credit Card Charges and Unwanted Product Received

WordSmart SAT/ACT test prep software
RUDE RUDE RUDE customer service rep

Bullying tactics to prevent return of product

Consumer Report


Deceptive Trade Practices