SCAM-Unauthorized Credit Card Charges and Unwanted Product Received

Education & Science

I bought the initial set of WordSmart SAT preparation software from a sales call. When told about the other products I told them upfront I did not want additional CDs sent to me. WordSmart Sales rep Maryanna Pinto called me two weeks ago to see how my son liked the program and see if we wanted to purchase more disks and the tutoring service. I told her I did not want further disks or their tutoring services. Another disk came in the mail last week and my credit card was charged. I just called them and told them I wanted to return it and want my card credited for the charge. I told her I did not authorize the charge and had told the sales rep I did not want more disks. Customer Service Rep Ellie, Employee ID #1428 said their Sales Reps weren't authorized to cancel the monthly disk program and that their Sales reps. Don't do followup calls, even though Maryanna did. I kept telling her this and she basically called me a liar. Ellie was uncooperative, would not get a supervisor for me to talk to after I repeatedly asked to speak to her supervisor or someone higher than her in the company and said my only option was to write to the Board of Directors. She was arguementative and not willing to solve my problem.

It seems this Company trains reps to strickly follow their set scrips, they are uncooperative and will not try to help resolve your issue and don't care to make there customer satisfied.

The issue is not whether their product works but their sales tactics are shady and possibly fraudulent. Don't buy from them because if you have a problem you will be driven to extreme anger by there customer service department and will have to spend hours of your time getting your money back or not get it back at all and have a product you don't want.

Company: WordSmart
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 10025 Mesa Rim Rd
Phone: 8008589673
Site: wordsmart.com
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Will not allow returns - awful customer service

Wordsmart educational technology
I received a call about a Sat prep five disc program which I paid $190 for. I was asked if I would be interested in any further products from them and I said maybe but this would be enough to get sta

Wordsmart scam

Warner Health
Avlimil ripoff Unauthorized use of Credit Card, fraudulent Charges and sales

Rude customer service

Consumer Report


Ripoff, bait and switch, unethical salespitch
