Premier Health Care

Education & Science

This company took $250 from my bank account promising a credit card. Another company called me to tell me they are recieving mail and don't know what it is for.

liberal, Kansas

Company: Premier Health Care
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Marietta
Address: 1950 Spectrum Circle, Suite 400
Phone: 8007193536
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Association For Lifestyle Reform - Premier Health Care
Scam Alert, Signed up for Premier Health Care but was sent ALR card which is not heatlh care insurance

Premier Health Care - ATA SDS & Travis Bissell
Premier Health Care - ATA SDS - Travis Bissell never give them any information, they will charge you automatically

Mwi Premier Health Plus
Unauthorized credit card transaction on May 2

MWI Premier Health Plus
Ripoff business from hell, victimized many consumers, dirty SOB's

Premier Health Plus
Charged $199.95 to my Chase Credit Card. I have not heard Premier Health Plus before. Ripoff

Premier Health Care
Credit Card Ripoff ripoff

Premier Home Care Services
Premier homecare review

Premier Health Plus
Ripoff charged my debit card 139.95 for something I never ordered

Premier Health Aka CBM, Aka Associated Health, Aka Beech Street Health
Health ins fraud, bank account rip off

Netchex - Premier Health Care
Ripoff took $249.95 out of my bank account bank of america