Rich Dad Education
Tigrent Learning Lucky One who got my Money Back

Education & Science

Hi, I'm writing this complaint to prevent many more people from loosing tons of their hard earned money. I'm a hard working engineer, 30 years old with a loving wife and kid. Luckily I was one of the few who managed to luckily get their money back, let me tell you how.

So this process started a few days before 8/9 which is when I attended a paid for workshop on how to build personal wealth. The free workshop was a few days earlier and was basically a big sales pitch to get you to the next work shop which I believe cost $75 on the 9th. I went for it and attended the workshop expecting great useable content to get my money's worth. Granted I had read 3 of Kiyosaki's books so I identified with the mindset and perspective being portrayed. Well, before I knew it they were promoting another workshop, this time it was an intensive 3 day workshop with tons of content packed with secrets to building wealth cost $200, and we were set for 9/2, which was a Friday.

Company: Rich Dad Education
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 4255 Lake Park Blvd. Suite 300
Phone: 18005702050
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Bud and Marsha Houston
Country Dream Agility, Tea Cup Agility Houston's Workshops a Rip Off

Wealth Magazine Investor Education
Investools promised money back guarantee even after workshop begins, but I can't get my money back, can't get another workshop

Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Education - Russ Whitney
Robert Kiyosaki Did not provide what they advertised. Would not provide refund

Better Trades
Big push on how you can get rich THEN you find out the cost

Teach Me To Trade
The facts about the workshop Milwaukee

Online Trading Academy
Another Wealth Intelligent Academy Spin off? Ripoff

Focus On Foreclosure
Focus on Ripping Me Off

International Association of Investors IAI
Misleading promises

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Misleading Advertising Semina

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