Nadn - Oryan
Ripoff money pit promises not kept badgering excess cost internet

Education & Science

I was approached in early 2003 to sell me a website with great tax advantages. After letting them file my taxes (late). I had to pay. I was informed I had not purchased my website in time but next year would be different. I was approached to pay more money. (it's always more money)

I sent my tax info to them at the end of January. 2004. They kept it for a month then returned it saying I needed to fill out their worksheets. (which they had not sent me)."Oh, oversite. Will send out two day delivery." Four days later received book of sheets. Upon filling out these sheet, discovered they required me to fill out information on my website. (inventory, etc.) I was under the impression I was buying a website which was going to be managed by the Oryan company.&I supplied the money to start the website—they run it—I collect some money.

NO WAY! I was expected to fill out paperwork on something I know nothing about. I paid $4000.00 last year plus $7995 promissory note. This year $6200.00 plus $7995 promissory note.

I was told the profits from the website would pay off the promissory note, instead the quarterly interest on the note has increased the amount owed, and the website has made no money.

Company: Nadn - Oryan
Country: USA
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NADN, National Audit Defense, Oryan Management, Mallforall & Shop'n2000
NADN, Oryan Management ripoff, Scam

National Audit Defense Network - Oryan Management

National Audit Defense Network - Oryan (Advantage) Management & Financial Services
National Audit Defense Network - Oryan Management & Financial Services NADN, ripoff, fradualently marketed Mall For All. Oryan failed to provide a functional website Las Vegas, Ontario, California

NADN - Oryan Management
Ripoff fraudulant home business dealing with a nonfunctional website

Oryan Management, NADN
Oryan Management - NADN - Shopn2000 ripoff, multi level marketing scam, consumers beware

NADN, National Audit Defense Network, Oryan
Management thousands of people are falling for this scam consumer fraud ripoff

NADN, Oryan Management
Ripoff false, unsubstantiated promises of legal tax benefits, wouldn't refund the money

NADN And Oryan Management
Ripoff give them mo' money, mo' money mo' money! You get nothing in return

NADN, Oryan Management, Tax Ready, Success Matrix, ShopN2000, Mall For All
Royal screwing and Rip Off. The sales guys at this outfit are screwing each other over too, so heaven help us... The poor consumer!

Tax Ready - NADN
Ripoff business from hell