Nos, National Online Services
Ripoff, Telephone bill, crammed, unauthorized, billing, scam Boca Raton, Miami

Education & Science

When I came to my new job, one of the first things I found, was that NOS (Natrional Online Services) had CRAMMED my phone bill. The number which was CRAMMED was actually a "Virtual" number (Forwarded Number) IT DID NOT EXIST AS A REAL NUMBER.

It took me about 4 months and thank God for Cingular roll-over minutes, but I eventually received a REFUND CHECK for all monies owed to my company.

Here is how I did It. Please, feel free to use my tactics if you have the patience and "Cohonas" to attempt this strategy.

I realized that I had over 3000 "Rollover minutes accumulated on my cell phone. I had an 800 number to National Online Services Customer Support. That meant that the call was FREE FOR ME but EVERY CALL COST THEM MONEY! They paid for the call and the longer I could keep THEIR PERSON ON THE LINE the more it cost National Online Services. Are you getting the picture yet???

I would call them E-V-E-R-Y T-I-M-E I Was In My Car. Going to the Bank, Driving to work, Driving Home, Driving to Lunch, When I was out shopping with the family and I got Bored - What Ink Cartridge did my Printer need? Am I really okay to let my car go 5,000 miles between oil changes?

For the 1-800 Call, They Paid for someone to answer the call AND, the longer I could keep the person on the Line It cost NOS mONeY! How Often should I rotate my tires? Are synethetic hormones for women really dangerous? Is steaming my vegetables better than Stewing or Grilling them? Is it really okay to drive my car 5,000 Miles between Oil Changes? I truly believe that National Online Services employees are Psychics. They must know everything. They figured out HOW TO GET MONEY FROM MY PHONE BILL without providing a REAL SERVICE!!!

Now do you get it?

Any time I wanted to know ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING What do I Want For Lunch? Which Is Better, Paper or Plastic. I would call National Online Services.

IT Worked.

I received a refund check.

They were more than happy to get rid of me.

Good Luck and Check your Phone Bills EVERY MONTH. Also Put a block on your account so this cannot happen to you!!!

Company: Nos, National Online Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Daytona Beach
Address: Boca Raton, FL
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