National Online Services

Education & Science

National Online Services Crams In Spite of Being Told NO! The business that doesnt give a dam evil dirt bags political corruption outlandish ripoff late fees evil dirt bags consumer fraud ripoff Miami Florida...

About two weeks ago, I received a telephone solicitation call from National Online Services. I was told that they were updating my information for a FREE yellow pages listing.

As the solicitor got further into his speel and began asking questions I didn't feel comfortable with (like social security number), I tried to call a halt to the conversation by telling him that I didn't want this listing. He refused to accept my request.

Throughout the rest of the conversation I kept repeating, "I DO NOT WANT THIS LISTING OR SERVICE!!!" And, each time I made this statement, he continued on as if I had never said a word.

In the end, I was given a customer care 800 number and told that if I didn't want the service I could call and cancel it. I did this immediately and was told that it would take at least a week for my number to "get into the system."

Not wanting to take any chances, I immediately called my phone company and had all third party billing b;ocked from my account. At their sugggestion, I also called the State Pub;ic Utilities Commission and the FCC. I also called back one week later and cancelled the service. As I voiced my complaints to this person, it was like I had never said anything derogatory.

I have had lots of persistent telemarketers, but NEVER have I had people who not only won't take NO for an answer, but completely ignore any and all attempts from the target to extricate themselves from the situation.

I won't know until my next phone bill arrives whether or not the block was successful. However, in any case, over the next several months I am going to be forced to spend extra time going over each phone bill to make sure these sleezeballs haven't managed to slip something through.

I'm sure deregulation has some benefits, but when crooks like these people are allowed to apparently operate at will in bilking unsuspecting consumers, there si something very, very wrong with the system!!

Company: National Online Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: P.O. Box 601425
Phone: 8005112077
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