School closed down after 11 weeks of classes

Education & Science

Sometime in August I had heard a radio ad for At the time I was starting to think about pursuing computer certifications. I tried study on my own, but it wasn't working. So, I decided to do the online skills test for this school. I did well I guess, even did better then the average on the 2nd test. I received a call and eventually went up there to check it out to make sure it was for real. The director talked with me and she gave me and a couple others a presentation about the school and what we will be pursuing... 4 certifications. At the end came the cost, 20 grand for everything. It seemed like a lot money, but I needed to change things right away. However, I didn't sign up right away, I wanted to do my research on the junior college in my area to see if they offered the same thing.

Eventually, I decided to enroll. I enrolled on August 28th. A concern of mine was my job. I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep up with the homework and be working almost 50 fact, when things were getting really hectic and it was getting close to the first certification test... I ended up quitting my full-time job to focus on school. I was paying 20 grand, I wanted to give it my all.

I took and passed my first certification test on December 4th and was looking forward to the next topic which was Server 08. I was also looking forward to getting my resume out there, I needed a job, at least one better than the seasonal and that I can support myself. Things were looking good and I was enjoying going to class.

On December 31st, I got an email stating the school closed down. The entire Computertraining. Edu business no longer existed. I felt sick and betrayed. Not what am I and about hundred students supposed to do. Come to find out, there was tuition differences among students. I put 20 grand on loan and someone from my same class only put $13,500 on a loan, what the hell is that.

I am not upset at my teacher or anyone that was at my location they seemed genunine and wanting to help us. I'm upset that it turns out that the business was a sinking ship, but they were still recruiting. I better get at least a partial refund and I want someone to be held accountable. I put alot of faith into this company and was hoping to finally get a career. Now it's a big mess and I'm in a big mess.

Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Oak Brook Terrace
Address: Route 83 and 22nd Street
Phone: 18007335641
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Computertraining. edu Took my money after one month of class and shut down without any notice
Ripoff false advertisement misleading information very misleading semina

Computertraining. edu Computertraining. Edu closing canceled, closed school wit out any warning or hopes of any refunds

Sallie Mae
Computertraining. Edu loan RIPOFF
Rip off scam false advertisement
Computertraining. Edu Absolute scam, rip off, once they get your money, they forget about you. They do not care if you get a job, they don't really help you get a job. I could have saved myself the trouble and the loan
Shady Business Practice, Ripping off students
ComputerTraining. Edu, ComputerTraining Deceptive advertising gives you overconfidence then leaves you in extreme debt!
Computertraining. Edu FAILING and hurting for money