ComputerTraining. edu/com Computer Training

Education & Science

As a now ex-employee of ComputerTraining. Edu/com, I feel I am finally free to express my disappointment with the management and culture of this "company". It was apparent from the beginning that this company's philosophy plays on the basic assumption that you present a pretty package in a pretty building/Director of Admissions (in some cases barely out of college with little to no work experience) and the unsuspecting students/victims will come running. I have never witnessed a company that would reward its employees with elaborate bonuses, trips and comp time even when the employee/school has not met their individual goal and/or company goal. So yes, I can confirmed the gross mismanagement, over compensation for mediocre performances and failure to meet the basic expectations of every employee in the company. And yes, the rewards/bonuses continued even up to the last paycheck of December 15. Even though two weeks later, employees were told by the President, Chuck Lang & Chief Operating Officer, Curtis Hickman that they could not meet payroll. Ok, let me try that one... I'll call my mortgage company and tell them I can't pay you this month, but I managed to purchase new furniture and landscaped my entire backyard!

The failure of this company was due to the relentless greed of their senior management team under the guidance of the "secret owner" David Rau and their apathy for "all" employees of their organization. While some employees were "grossly overcompensated" others were left with no hopes of an annual merit increase, increasing medical insurance costs, no-matching 401k and rarely acknowledge for their professional experience and daily contribution to the bottom line. Many of these same employees had 2 - 3 times the years of experience of the "special employees" that were given bonuses on a monthly basis. Yes bonuses are part of any "sales position"; however, let me clarify and confirm some of the concerns of our "unsuspecting students/victims": Student enrolls - Director of Admissions gets $1k or higher; Graduate gets a job - Director of Placement gets $250/$500. First of all, isn't that their job? I would love to get paid for every project completed, even when its the basic functions of my job. This is just as appauling to me as it is to the poor students/graduates that have paid any amount between $13k - $28,500 over the last 1 - 2 years for the same training! Some of these students/graduates entered into classes within the same calendar year! And some may have sat next to each other in the same class! Is this the American Airlines? Or ComputerTraining. Edu?

Fortunately, I must say the majority of the Trainers were very well trained and very willing to fulfill the dreams of the "high priced dream". I have the upmost respect for the training staff. Although, they too received a very pricey compensation package for their dedication. This in itself is not "illegal", just "immoral/unethical" and simply not good business sense when your company is failing to meet its goals and bottom line requirements to do business! I would love to hear the explanation this "management team" will give to a prospective employer when asked how/why did this organization fail. What will they say when asked what business planning/forecasting was done to ensure the stability of the organization? Why didn't you seek other resources instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket with Sallie Mae for so long?

Well, I can tell you more planning was done on trips to reward the already over compensated Directors & Regional Directors than on ensuring the stability of the organization.By the way David, we are still waiting on our trip to the Carribean, Key West or where ever. Oh, I forgot you sent the Directors of Admissions (a couple of months ago) while the rest of us were trying to save your company!

On behalf of the employees that were abruptly dismissed on December 28, I would like to know how the "management team" can sleep at night knowing that many hard working employees will not receive their paychecks on January 4 or January 15. Many of us, were not included in the elaborate bonus plans and worked very hard on a daily basis just being content with doing a good job and hoping that we would receive our basic cost of living increases to keep up with the increasing medical costs that the company passed on to their employees. Even when the company was doing well, they failed to protect the basic needs of "all" of their employees.

Let this be a lesson to all students, parents and spouses... Do your research before you sign on the dotted line. Know what you are getting into. You have the right to contact your local/state department of education.

I feel horrible for the students/graduates caught up in the path of destruction of this company. I may have lost my earning for 30 days, but many of these students/graduates have lost thousands of dollars and are now required to repay loans for several years without the benefit of a certificate. A responsible company would have handled this in a more professional manner and ensured that the people they are entrusted to protect (students/graduates and employees) were taken care of before their own selfish needs were met. I find it hard to believe they did not see this coming. You know the eviction notice is coming before they put your personal belongings on the street curve!

Shame on you CTC! You are a poor reflection on the "real schools" that are really trying to change peoples lives without robbing them blind!

Company: ComputerTraining. edu/com
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Hunt Valley
Address: 11350 McCormick Road
Phone: 8007335641
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