Empire Medical Training, Fort lauderdale Florida


This company offered training in New York city in March- Highly unscrupulous company - did not have enough of bot ox or fiilers, poorly organized -did not go over syllabus information! Pushed their Internet marketing company the whole time! The training lacked substance and quality! Rush job! Poor standards! Honestly very disheartening! DO MOT TRAIN WITH THEM - There certificates have dates for 3 months! Awful Awful Scam& please do not take this class! Waste

Company: Empire Medical Training, Fort lauderdale Florida
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort lauderdale
Address: 2720 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 102, Fort
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Empire Medical Training
The most unscrupulous, transparent, unrepenting RIP OFF in medical training I have seen in 19 years in Medicine

Empire Medical Training
Owner: Dr. Stephen Consentino DO Ripped off money sent for training class

Training Camp
Training Camp is a SCAM, Suite 101, Trevose

Empire Medical Training
Not even physicians doing the training, the biggest hoax of medical training, they want you to buy their marketing program which is an even bigger scam

Empire Medical Training
"vogus, arrogant and unconcerned" more and more each day

Train Signal Training
Train Signal CBT TrainSignal.com - LIARS, THIEVES, SHOULD BE IN JAIL

A.G.E. Training
AGE TRAIN, AGE Medical, AGE Recruitment SCAM, CON, LIED, Promised job interview after completing training course but there is no job and all they want is your money for the course. London

Empire Medical Training

Empire Medical Training
Fraud: Constentino and Mr. Bill

Grapnel Tech Services
Grapneltech, grapnel tech, grapneltechservices DON'T TAKE BUSINESS ANALYST TRAINING FROM THEM