National Academy Of Sports Medicine
NASM Very Deceptive Sales Practices Lead You To Believe You're Getting More Than You Are

Education & Science

If you paste the link below into your browser and look at the screen snapshot you will plainly see that they imply you receive 7 items with your purchase of the CES Course
and Exam. Look harder and you will see an asterisks. Look at the bottom of the page and you see a statement saying "*This course content is delivered 100% online. These products are optional and available at additional costs."

So which is it, do you receive these items as they imply or do you get screwed? You get screwed. You DO NOT receive a burn on demand CD rom or a print on demand manual. It also says by purchasing this package you "save $50". As opposed to what? Is the smallest package. If you look at the other asterisks you will see that you can not just purchase the exam "*The purchase of the Online Course Content through NASM is required for each individual prior to the purchase of the Online Exam.". Hmmmmmm...

Seems shady to me. Look at all their other courses and you will see similar deception. This is nothing more than a legal rip off by using disclaimers at the bottom to counter blatant dishonesty. It is a shame that such highly regarded organization would resort to such practices, but then again, some of the largest corporations in the country have come to be by using word games to rip people off.

Company: National Academy Of Sports Medicine
Country: USA
State: California
City: Las Calabasas
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NHE Certification Prep Kits
Prep Kit Sales on the Internet

National Academy Of Sports Medicine
Fraudulent, unfair & deceptive internet trade practices, failure of full disclosure of policies ripoff

Us Work Alliance
I purchased a postal exam booklet from US work alliance, them promising an exam and my money back, Exam Services, usworkalliance.Us, Exam Services, Postal Battery Exam What a Joke! Took my $130.00 Sent My Package, WOW web address was not working! Atlanta

National Employment Center
They tried to charge me $395.00—$495.00 for a Postal Manual & to take an Exam for employment

Chef Basket
Did not receive product

Internet Training
Several pages of exam did not print out and charged me $39.95 for an incomplete exam

Consumer Report

Preplogic does not honor their promotions or giftcards

Internet Training Products Inc
Charged me $39.95 to receive package regarding taking the postal exam. I heard this is a fraudulent company