Fairbanks Capital
Ripoff business from hell - Somebody Help get these people out of business. They are destroying lives

Education & Science

This company bought out my loan and charged me for Insurance I already had. I sent them proof of insurance and they still charged me. Then I sent in my regular payment and they held it in suspense without telling me. They reported a 30 day late without notice because of it. Then when I went to make my February payment they wouldn't allow me to without paying an extra premium for January EVEN THOUGH I HAD SENT PROOF OF INSURANCE. They said they needed the insurance department to make the change on their end then they would send me a refund for the extra I sent.

The next month they gave me another 30 day late because they said the change was not yet corrected in my escrow account and tried to tell me they wanted another insurance premium amount because once again they held my account in suspense. I was in tears and talked to about 5 different people who were rude and then was always told they were forwarding my complaint to the research department and they would fix it.

I finally got the "FIX" and they charged me fees for late charges and administration for sending me correspondence even though it was all because of their error. It is now May and it is still not fixed. They even held my account in suspense in March and said I owed $8.00 (which I didn't) yet supposedly sent me a refund for $148.00 for that extra I paid in January at the same time.

What kind of business is this? I can't refinance my home which I desparately need to and my credit is in ruins from these 30 day lates. I disputed the lates to the credit bureaus and then Fairbanks told them it was correct... Even though the representatives told me they see it is in error.

It is causing me so much emotional distress I can't do anything about it except fight and fight and fight. Somebody Help get these people out of business. They are destroying lives.

Company: Fairbanks Capital
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: P.O. Box 55117
Phone: 8888186032
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