Teaching Solutions
Still awaiting my full refund as the company promised by manager Debbie C. Roberts. May need to dispute through credit card

Education & Science

Still awaiting my full refund as the company promised by Debbie C. Roberts. May need to dispute through credit card. Promised a refund in four business days, still not credited. I was told it may take up to 20 days because they have my c. Card info. On file. Most ridiculous situation ever experienced on the internet. Never again.

Company: Teaching Solutions
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Beaverton
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Key One Solutions Inc
Consumer Report

E credit solutions
Consumer fraud ripoff don't return money!

CCR Ripoff, fraudulent credit card scam. Bait and switch. Promised refund never came

Xium Corporation
Refund Ripoff

John Beck Mentoring Of America
Company promised refund within 3 business days of receipt, have jumped through every hoop possible and still no refund


Green Coffee Diet, LLC
Consumer Report

MTNStore Warning! Don't get taken

Editor & Chief Review Inc
No refuns as promised after I sent all the info that was requested within 3 days as requested my cust. # is 617059 have called many times my purchase date was 8/23/09

Nouveau Tech Society
They Never Refund your Money or Send Book as Promised, Grove City