Sallie Mae
Ripoff My son returned from prison to start a new life going back to school Wilkes Barre PA

Education & Science

I co-signed for school less than 2 months. Owes $7000 I own $4000 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-4700 When I Spoke With The School, Where Is The Money? They Said The School Was Paid. No Student, Where Is The Money. Its My Responsibility To Pay They Said. Will Pay For Useage Other SallieMae Servicing

My son graduated high school and got with the wrong crowd and ended up in prison for drugs for a short period. He came home with a different attitude. Got back in school at ecpi, greensboro
after 2 months he found girl friend pregnant. Left school to get a job. The school never once dispersed any funds to him. When I call the school, they said he knew what he was signing for when he enrolled. I am his mom and i cosigned on that loan. We are almost $10,000 in debt for less than 2 months. On any given nite, the class had no instructor, would get sent home after 15 minutes. I have no problem paying for what was used, but to pay this kind of money for what. You took advantage of someone trying to turn their lives around. I was under the impression he would be guided into finacial aide to help him get back into society. His probation officers told me that also. These people gave me the impression they were Govermental Federal Agency to help and train young people back into the work force. My son has a job and a baby. He has and so have I paid some of this money. We do not owe this much money for less than 2 months of school. Why can't people be protected from rip off's like this. Please help. I have no money. We are poor folk. Sallie Mae need to be closed up and put out of business.

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
State: Other
Phone: 8882725543
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Sallie Mae
Loan fraud

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Scam Lied Harrassed Ripoff

Sallie Mae
Computertraining. Edu loan RIPOFF

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Ripoff, dishonest, harrassing, fraudulent claims, will not account for money returned to them

Sallie Mae
Consumer Report

Sallie Mae
Does not care if i have more than one impairment and cant work a high paying jo

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Charged excessive interest, even charged interest on loan portion paid

Sallie Mae
Sallie Mae approved loan, decided to pull approval, out of grad school for a year, thanks!