Ashton Construction Inc
Ripoff thieves

Education & Science

On january 17 I entered into a contract with Ashton Construction Inc. To rebuild my home after remediation of toxic mold. On Feburary 10 I gave them a down payment of $25,237.44 one-third of the contracted construction costs. The contract stipulated that construction would be finished in 45 days. It is now May 1 and they have only started the job spending less than $2,000.00 in work and materials.

They disconnected the garage door opener, and stole the tank to the toilet in the powder room location (Why? I have no idea). I met with them about three weeks ago at my home and asked for an explaination for the obvious delay in rebuilding my property and Dallas Boren told me he took my money to complete jobs on other people's homes and that I would have to suffer.

I have no place to live now and they have some of my personal possessions in storage and will not return any calls. If there is any advice you can give me on how I can prosecute this company for theft I will be appreciative.

Company: Ashton Construction Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 3368 Dixie Drive
Phone: 7134407733
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