Kaplan Test Prep & Admissions
Houston Kaplan Center Scammed. Took my money. Numerous errors with their program.in the end, I recieved nothing from the LSAT PREP COURSE and lost 25% ($325) of what I paid. With Kaplan it is always the CUSTOMER's fault!

Education & Science

Background Info: I was preparing to take the LSAT in February so rather than studying on my own (which I should have done because the course doesn't teach you much that you cant learn on your own) I decided a prep course could maybe help me manage my study time better... Due to problems with the course I was unable to prepare and have to push of my test till next year. Way to go, Kaplan!

Here is a list of problems I had with Kaplans LSAT Prep Course...

1) I was having trouble accessing the online portion of the class... There was one part of the orientation that I was required to complete in order to keep my higher score guarantee and no matter how many times I tried to do it it wouldnt let me... Along with this issue while some buttons worked fine, others did not work at all... (Help, Notifications, didnt let me scroll down to the bottom of the page, didnt give me a key to what the little icons meant, etc.) The ONLY THING THAT WORKED fine was the agreement stating that if I take a diagnostic (practice test) then I would not recieve my full refund. Unfortunate for me I did not have access to this agreement until after I had already taken the diagnostic. Because of these issues I was unable to attend my classes as I did not have access to the online portion.

2) Along with the lack of access to the online portion of the class, my books arrived a week after the class began putting me behind one week (the course was only 4 weeks)... I was unable to do any work since the online part was also not functioning...

3) When I signed up for the class I had many people trying to assist me, and after I paid when I had trouble with the class I had no help... I called for 2 days and got nothing but one person connecting me to another... No one knew how to fix the problem and all they did was insist there was something wrong with my computer despite my computer meeting all the criteria for the class... I was always told it was somehow my fault:
-My computer must not be meeting all the requirements (It did)
-I contacted the wrong people for help (What?!)
-I registered at a "bad" time thats why I didnt get my books on time
-It doesnt matter if the course had problems, tough luck, do they give you a full refund at your university?

4) I finally got some help only after I decided to drop the course as it was doing nothing for me but frustrating me... After i asked the lady to refund my money she told me that I would lose 25% because I took a diagnostic test... I didnt even get to read the agreement before taking the test because I had no user name and password and the one they emailed me didnt work... Again I had to call up and have it reset...

Over all, it was simply a lousy experience and I seriously regret taking the class... I was hoping for direction on how to study for the LSAT but instead I feel like I've been scammed. With all the problems I've had to face with the class I dont think its fair for them to cut 25% of my refund... I will be bringing the books back soon so I can get a refund on this course... I really hoped for this to work out for me but unfortunately it didnt...

If you think you've heard every excuse in the book... Try getting your money back from Kaplan... You will hear more excuses than you have ever heard! I've been scammed before, I'm sure most people have... However, never before was I ever so motivated to write a bad review or report.

Company: Kaplan Test Prep & Admissions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 2500 Dunstan 5th Floor
Phone: 7135207223
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