Tax Ready/National Audit DefenseNetwork
Scam con artists screwed others too tricked and lied to us con artist fake ripoff

Education & Science

In Nov, 01 I heard a radio commercial on my favorite sports talk radio station with one of the sports talk guys and former Chicago Bear Doug Buffone. They claimed 2000.00 in guaranteed additional income tax refunds after they reviewed your last years tax returns, with a 30 day money back guarantee.

I called in for the free tape, and then they sold me the package. To me it seemed like a no brainier. I promptly sent in my last two years returns after having some sort of coaching call. Then I got word from them that I did not have any additional refund left in my tax return. They tried to interest me in starting my own homebased internet business with a online shopping mall that had special software that would allow blind people to use the software.

They claimed I would be entitled to additional tax credits because the business would be handicapped. It sounded too fishy so I told them that I wanted a refund. This was about 2 and a half weeks into my membership. They said I needed to do an exit interview. We scheduled a time that one of their people would call me, and they never called.

I called to find out what happened, and they said it was a mix up, and rescheduled another interview. I scheduled another one, and the same thing. On the third time, they finally called which was the last day, they called me on my cell phone when I was on my way home from work. They agreed to give me a refund.

They asked me to fax my cancellation over to them, which I did first thing the next morning. After 4 weeks of waiting for my refund to appear on my credit card, I called them and they said they would look into it and call me back.

No surprise they never did. Next time I called I was told I did not qualify, because I did not fax my request in within 30 days. After they put me through this process of putting me off, they pulled this. The copy of the cancellation policy I received with the information said nothing about sending something in writing. Then they told me I could wait till November and get my one end year guarantee.

After waiting it out, they told me that because I never used any of the strategies, I did not qualify. They never gave me any strategies. Not to mention, every time I called every person I have talked to in their office was extremely rude, and very condescending. It was almost as if they were laughing at me after I hung up the phone, knowing they screwed me.

Company: Tax Ready/National Audit DefenseNetwork
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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National Audit Defense Network
Rude dishonest tax refund ripoff misrepresentation scam

Tax Ready
Extended Warranty for Who? Nationwide Ripoff scam from

Tax Ready & National Audit Defense Network
Tax Ready/NADN people are scum

National Audit Defense Network
Consumer fraud ripoff no call back or refund

Tax Ready
TAX READY Doesn't honor 30 day refund policy

Tax Ready
Rip-off. Guaranteed bunch of bull

National Audit Defense Network (NADN)
NADN National Audit Defense Network NADN Don't be fooled They are a SCAM!

NADN National Audit Defense Network
NADN consumer fraud ripoff

National Audit Defense Network
(NADN) Never provided service they promised, high pressure to participate in scam on government

National Audit Defense Network
Bait and Switch ripoff, and a rip off "guarantee", also ripoff web site