Sallie Mae
Customer service

Education & Science

Sallie Mae has the worst customer service via phone I have probably ever encountered. I like to think that as an on-time paying customer of Sallie Mae's for several years now, I would be treated with even a tiny bit of respect. Well, forget that. I'm sure they outsource their customer service to save a couple pennies. Leaving the customer high and dry at the end of this so - called conversation. Not only are the representatives rude and have little to no information about your account, you can hardly understand each other amidst this entire thing! It makes me wonder why I even pay on time every month. If i knew they could care a less about me as a customer and all they wanted was my money, I would have taken my business someplace else. Trust me, there are many other places willing to lend their money for educational purposes.

I'm feeling very betrayed by this company after all these years of paying my monthly bill on time and having never missed a payment. If you want to be treated with respect, take your business someplace else.

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
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