Mwi connections
Ripoff deceptive company connecticut

Education & Science

Charged 119.95 to visa, without permission. Called to check the charges. Totally vague about their products or what they were selling. Still do not know who or how they obtained access to the credit card number. Will continue to call to demand money back.

odessa, Texas

Company: Mwi connections
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: conneticut
Phone: 8007504364
  <     >  


Ripoff unauthorized billing USA

Randoms unauthorized charges deceptive company

MWI Connections aka Connections
MWI Connections ripoff deceptive company I have been charged 109.95 on my credit card I am not able to work How can they do this? Don't even know what MWI is! & Internet

MWI Connections
Credit Card Fraud Stamford

MWI Connections
Fraud fraudulent business ripoff

MWI Connections, MWI Essentials, MWI Galleria
MWI Connections Essentials Galleria fraudulent ripoff business unauthorized use of credit card Connecticut

Mwi* Connections
Ripoff fraudulent billing

AP Connections, Connections
Fraudulently charged my credit card $199.95!

Ap9* Connections
Ripoff It's you who charge my credit card unauthorizedly! Internet

Mwi*connections 800-568-2386
MWI CONNECTIONS is a ripoff company