Capitol One Auto Finance
Capitol One deceptive ripoff fraud scam

Education & Science

Capitol One Auto Finance deceptive company, outlandish ripoff late fees, ripoff thieves, slow prossessing, victimized many consumers, tricked and lied to us Plana Texas...

I puchased an auto from wylers automotive family group in springfield, ohio in december. They arranged for financing through the capitol one auto finance company.

I made payments on this automobile and if i was going to be late into the grace period i would contact them to let them know that the payment had been mailed and would be arriving in the mail in the next day or two.

I missed a payment and they called me at work and at home every day, sometimes two or three times a day. I called their office to explain why the payment was not sent and they made arrangements over the phone to except a payment a month until I got the account caught up.

They had just received a payment on saturday, december 7. On tuesday, december 10 they came and repossessed the vehicle stating i was over 5 months behind in my payments. I have proof that payments were made and the checks had cleared the bank yet they claim the account was this far past due. When i called their office for an explanation, they insisted i send them at least two payments by next day mail to get my car back.

They are so deceitful that they did not have the guts to for warn me that they planned to come after the car. Which by the law in the state of ohio they are supposed to give at least a ten day notice to give the consumer a chance to get any default payments caught up, even though the payments were not behind. They had failed to credit my account for the payments that they received.

I think it is time that the public be aware of the ay this company works and boycott them and put them out of business.

If the public does not give them their business they cannot stay open. Its is time for the consumer to let these places that do deceptive businessknow that their practices will not be tolerated.

Company: Capitol One Auto Finance
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plana
Address: 3901 N. Dallas Tollway
Phone: 8009460332
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