Capital Credit
Gold card scam

Education & Science

This scam is one of the biggest let downs i have experienced in a long time. I received the letter stating that i had qualified for the 15,000 credit limit to use as needed and so i paid the fee to establish the account, thinking i could consolidate my credit cards and reduce my payments on other loans.

What i received was a 15,000 credit line on items that you would buy at a flea market. I have tried to cancel this and was told they would not refund my membership fee but would gladly cancel my membership so my card would not be billed their yearly charge.

I recommend anyone that has not called and cancelled to do so immediately!!! You will be billed even if you never used the card..

They should be charged and closed down for credit card fraud, mail fraud, as well as false adverising.

Thank you,

Company: Capital Credit
Country: USA
Address: 20331 IRVINE AVE. BUILDING E3
Phone: 7148817777
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