Joel C. Hoffman
He stole cash and bonds and ripped off his 94 year old aunt

Education & Science

Please help stop this man. He stole tens of thousands of dollars in cash and bonds from me that were gifts. He lied and told the bank that I lived with him. I have had nothing to do with him for 6 years. He lied and bilked money from his 94 year old while she was in a nursing home. And it did this after her last sibblings funeral! He stole money online. He has two bankruptcies and will be filing another to avoid paying anybody. He is ripping people off in business too. He thinks he can get away with everything because he says he is a white male over 70 and they won't put him in prison.

Please help. I will write more later.

Company: Joel C. Hoffman
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas & Wichita
Address: Ramhorn Canyon St & Kellogg St
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