Next Millennium Bank
Credit Card Stole My Money I didn't even apply for the card, I don't know how they stole $99 from my bank account


I was trying to apply online for a cash advance and all these site kept popping up, somehow Next Millenium ended up with my bank information and my husband and stole $99 from both of our accounts. It's Christmas time and I can't find any way to get ahold of this company to get my money back. How can they be allowed to get away with this? Who are these people?

New Cumberland, West Virginia

Company: Next Millennium Bank
Country: USA
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Terry Ann Ely, Brozovich, Weidaw, Woodman
Stole my Social security number and opened credit in my name, stole money from my bank

New Millennium Bank
New Millennium Bank stole my money!

Freedom subscripton
Uniguard stole 49.95 from my bank of america acount went on line to apply for a xmas loan didnt get the loan but got debit for something i didnt sign up forhow can these people do

Next Millenium Bank
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