ICC Maintenance & Recreation - Indian Country Campsites

Education & Science

I too live in Indian Country. Everything is hush in here to make them look good. There are drugs galore, peeping toms, pediphiles, drunks, people shooting off guns, burning down trailers, breakins, etc. Pretty bad when your son comes home from school telling you about drug dealing at the front of the park by the office right after school!

One guy walked right into my yard and stole tires and when caught said he was borrowing them and never returned them. The same guy came into my yard and stole rolled fencing and took it home and put it up for his dogs and when I told the office in so many words you're warned he's a nut and not to push it! Another guy stabbed my truck tires because I asked him to keep his dog out of my yard, and when I told the office again I was warned that he'll burn down my house because he's crazy so leave it alone. Wonderful place here!

They charged us for the pool and now they're charging us for the bunkhouse they are going to build. Where is our dues going? They said for the roads, but the only thing they do is throw some dirt on them and oil in the summer. They're always full of potholes! In the winter they plow very little unless you're good friends with them then they do their driveways, if not you're plowed in!

They tell you to clean up your property but look at their properties! They only tell certain people to clean up while other properties are the same for years! They tell you to tie your dogs and yet you have others dogs coming into our yards and getting ours pregnant, or trying to attack us or our animals, but do nothing about it!

We can't ride our quads and the worse is the little kids can't ride their fake quads on the road without getting a fine! People even got a fine for riding a golfcart to go to the mailbox.

This is more of a prison, you can live here as long as they play boss over everything you do!

One of the board members was living in the bunkhouse drunk every night, and guess who pays for the electric that he used there! He use to wait for the kids to be by their selves on a road and stop to yell at them alone, which is illegal since they were under 18 and it was for nonsence, but never wanted to confront the parents!

He's the same one that called people scumbags because they had a little more garbage to put in the dumpster than he liked right to their face and when told off about it tried to provoke them to hit him, he must really need money!

This is a campsite not a community but they think it is! This place should be closed down or all new members of the board should be put in with the old ones having nothing to do with running it because they are really bringing it down.

The only majority votes here are the boards not the people. Most people are seasonal and don't know nothing that really goes on and really don't care because they're not here long enough to care!

They have one guy who lives year round with no septic or water and they never say anything. I guess it's if you're a kiss& you get away with everything or if you're on the board!

I was told one person is on the board but lives with his father without his name on the deed. We were told only the people who has their names on the deed can be the only ones to have any votes or be on the board! Go figure!

The only say we have here is what goes on inside our homes, so what is the use of our properties, they should be paying our taxes instead of us since they think they could tell us what to do with it! We're told about how many vehicles we have even if they're legal. On our private driveway we're told about having vehicles not tagged and yet there's vehicles that's been sitting for years and not towed!

If we're outside on the one board member goes by, he'll circle about 4 times just to see what you're doing!

You're told that you can't bring in an older trailer but then you see one being put on another property and when you confront them warned not to make waves!

So if you're thinking about moving here sit down till it surpasses because until they quit having a Dictatorship in here and making money off us I wouldn't even consider it! There are a lot of other places that are cheaper and less headaches!!! Good Luck!!!

Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania

Company: ICC Maintenance & Recreation - Indian Country Campsites
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Gouldsboro
Address: RT 507
Phone: 5706765656
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ICC Maintenance And Recreation - Indian Country Campsites
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