This company is a prime example of trying to make money by any means necessary, "stealing people's money"

Education & Science

When I first heard about LPC, I thought this would be great for me. It would be convenient, I can get a line of credit, that was approved for 8,500. Of course, I was very content with the way everything was going initially. That all ended shortly after I thought I would be getting my catalog and soon being able to order.

Unfortunately, I was informed that the reason why I haven't received my catalog was because all of the fees had to post.in the meantime, a little over 200 dollars was debited from my account, which I was only able to view the product online and not the prices. This was just another way to lure people in and "take" people's hard earned money for product that was not even competitive as they claimed!

I called the office on numerous occasions letting them know that I would like to cancel my membership because what was told to me over the phone is a complete different story on paper. But, of course, this was when my account was already debited over 300.00, with not one piece of furniture ordered. I ended up speaking to the owner, who had the attitude of the other customer representative and didn't wish to do anything about refunding any portion of what they had already taken.

He was quite cold, and stated "If I refunded you, I would have to do the same for everyone else who is in your position." I told him that I think the program is unfair and should be revised so that everyone understands "fully" how this program works. First of all, the credit line sounds good, but quite deceiving. You're still paying out a whole lot out than what most people bargained for! This company is a rip off! I wished I never signed up!

Not to mention, getting in contact with someone is like trying to contact the CIA. You could never get through, you have to enter your card number in order to speak with someone live. They just don't make it easy... And they are not willing to help you...

Company: Lpc
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Site: www.lpc.com
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