University Of Phoenix Online
Lied to about grant money

Education & Science

I too am very unhappy (putting it nicely) with the university of phoenix's online campus. I was very upfront with them about me not wanting to take out a loan to pay for school right now and when I fillled out my fafsa and you have to check a lender to move on with the application. I told my advisor andrea that I was not comfortable doing this she said it is standard procedure and she would let me know up front how much I would be having to pay out of pocket, she stated that a I would most likely be getting grants because I am a mother of 3 and I am married... She said don't worry I wouldnt have to pay anything...

Three weeks into the class after I have called every week checking on my money and making sure it is going through smoothly, the answer was always that everything was fine and that it looked good. I was not worried I had faith in my advisors I trusted them. I got a letter in the mail three days ago stating I owed $7,500 for the first year of school.

I called sick to my stomach and everyone told me that they told me all of this I am so pissed off I could scream... They knew how I felt and misled me anyway. I have been calling and working my way through manager after manager... I dont know what to do... I have a friend who is a lawyer that says first I need to send them a letter... They just arent budging I owe them $975 for just three weeks of class which I was under the impression was only supposed to be $300... I would love to file a lawsuit where do I sign???

Company: University Of Phoenix Online
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: Phoenix Arizona3157 E. Elwood Street
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