The Tobi Comany
Unethical, deceptive, rude

Education & Science

On August 7 I received my TOBI Steamer (Invoice Number TOB5568804), which I had ordered from an infomercial. A free travel steamer was supposed to be included in my purchase, however to date I have not received it. I was impressed with the steamer, which surpassed my expectations: I adored it! When I went to refill the water tank, however, the white cap broke so I called the 800 number to ask if I could purchase a new cap for the water tank. The gentleman with whom I spoke was very nice. He said he would send out a new cap free of charge because the TOBI was under warrantee. A month later when I had not received the cap, I called the 800 number again. The woman I spoke with apologized and said she would send it out and I should have it in about three weeks. Again, the cap did not arrive and again I called the 800 number. This time I was told that there was a problem just sending the cap so a completely new water tank would be sent. Again, it did not arrive. I called again. This time I was told that the water tank had been sent, I was given a tracking number and told to go to my post office, which I did. The post office said they couldn't help, the tracking number made no sense to them. Again I called the 800 number. This time I was told that they were unable to send out a water tank without a "parts number". Since that time I have called, e-mailed four times, and been put on "hold" by the 800 number, in excess of 20 minutes.

Company: The Tobi Comany
Country: USA
Phone: 8006708628
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