Cash advance

Education & Science

These people are scammers they get your info from sites you go to for cash advances. And when you try to cancel it doesn't always happen they took money out of my account in the amount of 31.98. And they haven't yet put the money back into my account. So if you see these on your bank statements tell your bank to file fraud charges on them and then you do the same. Hopefully they'll be out of buisness.


Company: Idrosup
Country: USA
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Idrosup On 1/03/08 I had an unauthorized charge take out of my checking account

Liberty Discount Club, Last Chance Cash Advance and Grocery Club Discount Service, UclipUsave

Federal Criminal Investigation
Offiecr Ben Parks SCAMMER by the name of Officer Ben Parks

Pacific Advances
Consumer Report

Cash Advance USA
Cash Advance USA is claiming that I received a cash advance from them in the amount of $300 florida

Autopay - idprosup
This is a big repoff I tried to get so money for Advance cash, but that took money for in did not get me not. So I would to get my money bank.internet

US Bank
Screws me again Boise

Orchard Bank Credit Card, HSBC
Orchard Bank Credit HSBC Cash Advance Policy Changed without notice

USA Credit
USA Credit stole $149.95 out of my banking account without my knowledge or authorization! How can I get my money back!?
Consumer Report