Distance Learning USA
ADN Nursing Program is a Rip OFF

Education & Science

I signed up to recieve an ADN Nursing degree with Distance Learning USA. The company reviewed my transcript and accepted me into their program. After paying my nearly $3000.00 for the program and taking two nursing concept exams, I was told that I was denied entry into Excelsior College which is the collge that Distance Learning USA works under. I called my advisor at DLUSA and he told me that he would call Excelsior to see what was going on and that he would contact me in 2-3 days. Well, its been 2 months now and no word from my advisor. I have made several attempts to contact the company by phone but no one will answer. I have emailed the company several times with no response. This company has nearly $3000.00 of my hard earn money will not answer any of my contact attempts.

Company: Distance Learning USA
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: PO Box 1454
Phone: 8774687731
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Consumer Report

Excelsior College


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