Excelsior College

Education & Science


Nursing program considered a scam by many. Nursing program final (CPNE) sets the student up for failure, high stress and embarrassment. Unacceptable failure rates, about 30% of 1st and 30% of 2nd time atempts at CPNE final fail. CPNE final costs $2,025 and any 1 mistake made may fail the entire CPNE and no refund. High failure rates equal big profits for Excelsior College.

Some States do not approve their nursing program and will not issue an RN license to Excelsior College graduates because: Excelsior's nursing program does not meet minimum State RN board standards.ca is one of the States that will not. See www.rn.ca. Gov/whatsnew. Shtml (last paragragh) and www.rn.ca. Gov/pdfs/forms/excelsiorcourtdecision. Pdf and www.rn.ca. Gov/pdfs/forms/excelsiornewsrelease. Pdf. So check with your State board of nursing before you enroll.

See http://usashameboard.com, and search CPNE or Excelsior College. Here you will find over a hundred complaints from Excelsior College students. Consider these warnings before you enroll. A traditional college or technical school may be a safer choice.

Special note for Donald J.

Donald J.,

You're either an idiot or a payed Excelsior employee. Because, no one in their right mind would continually come here and respond to other peoples complaints in support Excelsior College unless they were paid to do so.

So, Donald J, which are you? Idiot or payed Excelsior College employee?

Company: Excelsior College
Country: USA
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Excelsior College CPNE
Excelsior College CPNE Class Action


Excelsior College
Consumer Report

Excelsior College
Excelsior college is really a degree mill

The College Network
Consumer Report

Excelsior College
Fraudulent CPNE

Excelsior College

Excelsior College
Astronomical Failure Rates

The College Network
Ripoff, study guide materials are not endorsed by Excelsior College, representative stated they were endorsed at time of sale