Hess Kennedy And Company
Ripped off, dont use this stupid awful company "goodluck proving it"

Education & Science

I started with this company in february and i did everything they told me to do a couple months went by and i didnt hear a word from them no statments or anything, so i called they said they did not have my power of attorney which i had mailed, and they could of called and told me that months earlier.

Then i mailed it and faxed it again 3 more times they said they still did not have it so finally i just canceled it and requested to get my money back which i was told i would get all but 300 well i had over 1000 with them and they only sent 600 back, they said they have "service charge" so i called and got in a fight with one of the managers cause they can not charge a service charge when they did no service.

I told them i would get the other 100 plus people they screwed over and his exact words were "goodluck proving it" i am 21 years old with a 5 year old daughter i was in debt because of my ex huband and i trusted this company to help and they did nothing but make it so much worst. Dont go with this company go somewhere where you can walk into an office and know whats going on. Dont get screwed to.

Company: Hess Kennedy And Company
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Florida
Address: 1800 Pembrook Drive Suite 290
Phone: 8668673135
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Hess Kennedy & Company
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Hess Kennedy & Company
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