Ripoff Stole Money Out Checking Account ripoff

Internet & Web

Aol took money that did not belong to them out of my checking account sence 2005 After I called and canceled with them. I did not catch it until this year of 2007 because it was coming up preauthorized Debt for $28.90 or other times coming up $30.90. I did not know for the simple fact is places like Wal-mart will be a preauthorized debt so it threw me off.

After doing some checking out I found out who it was now the fun part begins. After calling them several times which you get know where and phone call after phone call I finally got someone who I thought would help me out. Well manger Aaron did help in some way I told him the problem I said look I dont have your service and when I had your 3 months free I only used it for one month then disconneted it went with my phone company. Aaron said well I can see your account is not being used and has not for along time, well you see I canceled the account back in december 11.

I did not receive a canceled letter yet from you people still waiting, Well I will take care of that for you he can only give me back 2 months worth of service I said well what happened about the $897.20 that aol owes me well we can only go as back as 2 months which was $ 61.80 then I would have to send all my bank statments to aol billings operations services P.O. Box 65627 Sterling Va5-8805 for anyone that needs this address because if you call they will not give you the address it is a fight.

Ok so I sent the information off to them well I waited and waited did not hear nothing from them so I called again, well lets just say I did not get to hear them say your money is back in your account not even close. A supervisor told me last week that it was the 7th day and to get my moeny back it would take 7 to 10 business days well Im still waiting it still was not back into my account on the 10 th day still waiting.

So I called them back today and talked with them and said look I have been fair long enough I want my money back that you wrongfully to from account I dont have your services I only had you for one month and that was back in November 11. I told them enough is enough I want my $835.40 put back into my account today and only today you played with me long enongh, well we can't do that it will take at least 3 to 5 business days.

Well lets see went from 7 to 10 business days now to 3 to 5 business days. After all it is my money I want it back I didnt have there services for 2 in half years. After talking to the FBI and asking them some questions about someone just walking into your bank account and taking money that is not there's.

Like I told the FBI I wonder how many other people over america they are doing it to. I did every thing the FBI told me to do about aol but Im still not getting know where with them Now I am taking further actions Im taking them to court that is they only I will get my money back from those people. This is Internet Fraud.

Company: Aol
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Address: 333 Bush St Fl 23
Phone: 4158449000
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