Internet Speedway
Strong warning! This company is bad

Education & Science

Read the complaints! What these people are complaining about is TRUE. Please head their warnings.
I purchased a package with an upgrade and was told at that time I needed no experience. Setting up this web business was so easy even the sales person I was talking to did it in an hour and a half. I think the words were "it runs its self", "it will be up and making money within three hours". Well, some time after the purchase I was contacted by another sales person who introduced himself as a Marketing Consultant. His consulting advice was to spend another $4,000 to really get things on a roll. When I turned his offer down he snickered, told me good luck and hung up. That was it for my marketing advice, wasn't offered any more and that was something they were selling as part of their package. I expected true marketing advice not sales come-ons.
They also started double billing my charge card to the tune of $350.00. When asked why they were double billing me I was treated very rudely, and I mean very rudely. I requested a credit to offset the charges and was hung up on twice, laughed at, told I would be sued if I disputed the charges and told I was stupid. I have never ever been treated that way by any company. All I can say is their Customer Relations/Support Department, if it even is that, adheres to a company policy that only a bunch of clowns and buffoons would ever follow.
I disputed the charges, my dispute was recognized and charges reversed. That did not stop them from recharging my account though. They recharged my account 4 times over the next 9 months. Finally my credit card company informed them that they were flirting with fraud if they kept recharging against the reversal. It has been 3 months since the last charge attempt, but you can bet I am alert to them and do believe they will try again.
I really feel badly for all those needing to post to These are just a bunch of PIGS that need to be closed down. Their ads are on the radio all the time hooking people with lies.
I still have a package with them but took it off line right after dealing with their incompetent clowns in Customer Relations? Support.

Company: Internet Speedway
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Phone: 8888773336
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Internet Speedway
Scam, Rip-Off, Stay Away - This company is a complete scam

E-club Marketing - DISH Network RIPOFF UNauthorized charges! Fraud! Scam! Beware!

National Consumer Marketing Company
Is Billing my credit card and sending me Coins I did not order! I return the Coins and Do Not get Credited

Continue to bill products to my mastercard, cant stop them. Van Nuys nationwide

Vacation Marketing Properties - Florida
I feel that I was mislead by their sales person. They took a large sum of money to list my property.internet

Ccbill - Ccbileu
BBB Report states 267 cpmplaints and climbing (These people are a bunch of crooks) ripoff

Oam Billing - SBC
Support Voicemail OAM, SBC Billing rip-off!

TKI Web Solutions &/or CBS Website Solutions
TKI Purchased advertsing package and tried to cancel almost immediately. Told I couldn't. Never received anything for my $4000 and they lied to credit card company when dispute was filed

College Prep Center
BIGGEST LYING DECEPTIVE & FRAUDULENT SCAM ARTIST I've ever dealt with in my life Ripoff

GE Money
Scam you to get finance charges!