CIC Triple Advantage
They don't have record on me but they continue to charge my account and won't stop

Education & Science

I have been fighting these people for almost 2 years and they continue to charge my account. I have changed accounts and they find the new one. I am being forced to leave my bank so they will stop. I have called CIC and they have NO record of me or my account with them so they claim they can't stop the deductions.

Company: CIC Triple Advantage
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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CIC Triple Advantage Credit Report
Ripoff Run Around on Closing out account, Could not get them to stop debting bank account Finally forced to close bank account to stop them

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized charges

Free Credit
Unable to unsubscribe drain bank account monthly Detroit
Scam and rip off!

Travel Advantage - Motel 8
Travel Advantage/motel 8.. Unauthorized charges against my account

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized charges

Triple Advantage
Scam charges

24-7 Workout Anytime Gyn

Account Secure Plus
Ripoff Will not cancel policy and keeps charging your account and credit card company will not stop charging your account eithe

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized Charges