Specialty Merchandise Corporation
Smc, p mis-leading, deceptive, fraudulent and liars

Education & Science

This company is nothing but a fraud. They will do anything, say anything to get your dollars.

I contacted them within 30 days to cancel membership and they transferred me to the "cancellation department" who will not answer and you are on hold forever. I probably will not get back the money that I have invested so far but I am going to do everything in my power to let others know about them. I have contacted our local TV station to inform them of this company and hopefully others will be aware of what they are doing to rip-off anyone they can.

Company: Specialty Merchandise Corporation
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8003454762
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Speciality Merchandise Corporation
Specialty merchandise corporation this company is still trying to get $ from me which they will never receive

SMC, Specialty Merchandise Corporation
This company is a scam and and they are liars

Specialty Merchandise Corporation SMC
This company keeps taking money out of my checking account when I have already canceled my membership

Specialty Merchandise Corporation - SMC
Specialty Merchandise Corporation i cancelled and they wanted a bussiness kit that i never got worth 100.00 dollars

Specialty Merchandise Corporation
Cancellation process doesn't work!

Specialty Merchandise Corporation Or SMC
Ripped off gives the runaround rather than a refund

SMC Specialty Merchandise Corporation

SMC - Specialty Merchandise Corporation
Reduced 30-day refunded amount because of inappropriate disclosure of merchandise sales, which were presented as being FREE

Ripoff, failed to cancel membership

Foul Play