Howard Peterson - pete Peterson - peterson Well Drilling - petes Well Drilling
Postion of money versus poverty self employment with family backing. Wealth hid ripoff

Education & Science

After seven years into a relationship and starting a well drilling buisness that in the end was making 7 figures, he married me and divorced me within one year. Apparently his attorney advised and he was divorcing me before he married me. I seen more cash exchange hands in his employment then I ever imagined, several well jobs done for cash to escape the eyes of the IRS.

After years of struggles and him filing abuse charges twice on me and trying to take my home my children and my job his income hidden in his parents name he is in debt to me for close to 5,000 dollars due to an appeals court decision uncovering his rightoffs as income. He has mocked the child support system and has made payments over and above what is owed to the amount of $25. A month. My children are insured through the state of michigan even though he was ordered through the court to provide them with this as a condition of employment i cannot get FIA or Clare Co. To enforce this.

Your tax dollars are paying my childrens insurance and my ex husband although insured himself, and living in a 204,0000 home does not provide insurance for his children. I am aware that for many years men got the shaft in favor of the women but my case is a true payback. For six years i have struggled to keep my way as a single mom in a poverty town.

I am now dealing with breast cancer and costant stress of the court system looking in his favor. My child support is the only income we recieve and we could use some help.

Company: Howard Peterson - pete Peterson - peterson Well Drilling - petes Well Drilling
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Harrison
Address: 4215 Long Lake Rd
Phone: 9895392089
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